President Bush just gave an interview to Al Arabiya, the government-controlled voice of Saudi Arabia . Can you guess which quotes are actually his, and which ones are fabricated in order to heap well-deserved ridicule on this wantwit? The answer is posted in the first comment.
- I think the major obstacle to peace is going to be the politics of both Palestinians and Israelis trying to take advantage of the difficult work that these two leaders are going to have to do to define a state; that's what I think. I think that extremists, in some instances, will try to stop the peace.
- Taking dictation out of the region is a common interest of - is common to all of us.
- There was common interests - common ground has been now recognized.
- And so I've spent a lot of time with allies in Europe, for example, convincing them of the importance of working together to send a common to the Iranian regime.
- And in order to have a safe and secure society, the state has got to show that it can provide security for the people and not tolerate pockets of extreme radicals who are murderers in their intentions, and he did.
- The average - you know, it's still tough. There's still too many suiciders, but the level of violence is declining.
- Freedoms are given - a gift from God, and whether you call God Allah or God, he tells us - or she - that it's given.
- Relations are improving when they get better, but not with suiciders.
- I would give - if, in fact, Syria is trying to stop suiciders, I will give them credit, of course. I hope that's the case. It's certainly one way to begin to earn better relations with the United States, is to stop the exportation of suiciders who go kill innocent people.
- We've sanctioned Syria, and I'm looking at different ways to keep sending a tough message, because so far, he has shown no willingness to be constructive on Lebanon or in dealing with a militant Hamas or in stopping suiciders from heading into Iraq.
2,7 and 8 are made up.
- Heraldblog
Did you hear the one about Cheneys recent visit on again - off again trip to Crawford ranch?
Bush wants dick in, but dick's not ready. After stroking dick, dick accepts bush's embrace. Dick enters bush's spread but comes too soon - bush needed more time.
Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post
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